Convocatoria | Buscamos actriz que hable inglés

11 sep 2018

Se busca actriz para realizar un espectáculo teatral en lengua inglesa y en castellano

Actress wanted Se requiere desenvoltura en inglés hablado y buen acento. Los ensayos se realizaran en octubre y noviembre en la ciudad de Huesca. El espectáculo gira tanto en inglés como en castellano.

Se valorará positivamente:

  • Experiencia con títeres, aunque no es imprescindible.
  • Domicilio en Aragón.

Interesadas enviar la siguiente documentación:

  • CV.
  • Foto.
  • Datos contacto.
  • Una grabación con la lectura del siguiente texto (cualquier grabación con un móvil es suficiente):

His face assumed an aspect of the deepest gloom; and he replied, “To seek one who fled from me.”

“And did the man travel in the same fashion?”


“Then I think we have seen him; for, the day before we picked you up, we saw some dogs drawing a sledge, with a man in it, across the ice.”

The stranger asked a multitude of questions concerning the route which the monster, as he called him, had pursued. Soon after, when he was alone with me, he said, “I have excited your curiosity, as well as that of these good people; but you are too considerate to ask questions.”

“It would indeed be very impertinent in me to trouble you.”

“And yet you rescued me from a strange situation; you have restored me to life.”

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